Sunday, November 25, 2012

AWU slush fund story now over, says Tony (Speak for yourself) Burke

Environment Minister Tony Burke said the fact Julia Gillard's ex-boyfriend has spoken out in her defence regarding union fraud means the door has slammed shut on the story.
A statement by Julia Gillard's ex-boyfriend that she knew "absolutely nothing" about fraud within the Australian Workers' Union (AWU) in the mid-1990s means the story should now be over, Mr Burke said.
Mr Burke argues it's time for the opposition to stop "beating up" the story concerning the prime minister's involvement in setting up a slush fund for union officials, including former boyfriend Bruce Wilson, 17 years ago.
"From what I've looked at in today's papers, it's story over," Mr Burke told ABC TV.
"The big allegation of connection that the opposition hasn't been quite willing to make ... it appears the door has slammed pretty firmly shut on that."

AWU slush fund story now over, says Tony Burke |