Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Major IPCC Climate Model Prediction Error Substantiated: Ocean Warming Not Happening, It's Cooling

Read here. The climate models, based on the IPCC's favored CO2-based AGW theory, predict that oceans will warm as the atmosphere warms from human CO2 emissions. Indeed, human emissions have continued to increase over the past decade but the empirical evidence clearly shows ocean temperatures have not, with declining temperatures a recent phenomenon that may continue.
There is not a single IPCC climate prediction that foretold a decade long non-warming of Earth's oceans. In fact, the "consensus" models predicted the exact opposite. The evidence is robustly inconsistent with IPCC climate "experts" and their CO2-centric climate models.

NASA annual temperature anomaly data for oceans since 2001 through 2010.

Satellite monthly temperature anomalies for oceans since 2002 through August 2011.

NOAA's NOMAD ocean monthly temperature anomalies since 1981 through July 2011.


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