Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Global Warming Hoax for Dummies.

TWO STUFFED BEARS expose the Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax and explain the actual scientific causes of natural global warming and cooling.
Anthropogenic Global Warming is “the biggest ever scientific fraud”
—Andrei Kapitsa, Russian Academy of Sciences
“Global climate changes have been occurring for centuries. Global warming is most likely occurring today.  But there is much evidence to suggest that temperature fluctuations are part of a natural cycle of climate change, not man-made causes.  To conclude that man bears the brunt of the blame for rising temperatures is morally irresponsible and politically reckless.  Nature itself produces the greatest contributions to climate change.
“The unproven ”solutions” being proposed by global warming advocates would ultimately cost billions of dollars to implement and there’s absolutely no scientific proof that these changes would have a material impact on the earth’s climate.  Most of the proposed ”solutions” are based upon massive government bureaucratic programs that will ultimately reduce personal freedoms and impose additional costs upon the citizens of all nations, especially those who can least afford it.  While man can take positive steps to improve some aspects of his natural environment, we must be wary of today’s grandiose claims that appear to be nothing more than a smokescreen for the intrusion of government on private property rights and the exploitation by special interests that stand to financially gain from government largess.
“At the root of the global climate change debate is an intractable claim on the part of those who would readily cripple our economy with new regulations and attack our personal freedoms with intrusion into our homes, automobiles and offices.  The claim is simply that the debate about the causes of global warming is over.  Any advocacy that restricts our first Amendment rights to freely speak to the issue should cause alarm for the defenders of freedom everywhere.  The debate is not over.  It is our duty to see that the debate begins in earnest on a solid footing of civility and real scientific investigation.”
Who you gonna believe—two stuffed bears… or cuddly ‘green’-millionaire, Al Gore?
Then There’s Interplanetary Climate Change…
Here, in a segment from 2012: Event Horizon, David Wilcock presents evidence that every planet in our Solar System is experiencing global climate change. (And, for those who still don’t get it: there are no factories, SUVs, or old-fashioned lightbulbs on Saturn!) Watch whole presentation here.
Yes, that’s right, Al Gore is NOT the Messiah. He’s a very naughty boy!

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