Friday, June 10, 2011

Existing carbon taxes !

We already pay carbon taxes in Australia. For example, we pay a carbon tax on petrol and diesel. The existing fuel taxes (there are several) are applied full strength to non renewable petroleum based fuels and at a reduced rate to renewable vegetable based fuels. The difference between the two rates is an environmentally sound carbon tax because it is based on non renewable carbon.

Note that the new federal government tax will tax renewable carbon fuels at the same rate as non renewable carbon sources and do exactly nothing to push people to change from non renewable fuels to renewable fuels.
The existing tax encourages people to buy smaller, more fuel efficient cars, but at the same time, in NSW, the Australian state with the largest population, the state government is slowly banning the use of trains and forcing people into cars. Each year cars become a fraction of a percent more efficient but in NSW hundreds of thousands of new cars go on the road, the distances we travel when commuting are rapidly increasing, the slower traffic increases fuel consumption, and the long periods we are stuck at traffic lights forces us to use air conditioning on trips where we did not previously need it. The total consumption of non renewable carbon fuels is increasing far faster than the combined benefit of increased fuel efficiency and the switch to renewable fuels.
The existing carbon tax encourages people to switch from petroleum based fuels to natural gas despite the gas being an unnatural petroleum fuel polluting our atmosphere with additional carbon. If the government was serious about the environment, if the government was anything other than a bunch of cynical liars, they would ban the use of the term natural gas for petroleum gases and reserve natural gas exclusively for natural gases including methane recovered from biological processes. If the current government were anything other than pirates building their own personal fortune at the expense of Australia, they would tax all petroleum gases at the same rate as other petroleum products.


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