Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why Global Warming is a Natural Occurrence

Anthropogenists such as former US Vice President Al Gore blame man-made carbon emissions as the main culprit of global warming, droughts, melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and a decline in arctic wild life.  They also claim that carbon dioxide emissions are now causing all the blizzards, freezing rain, and uncharacteristically cold winters.  However, they have no scientific proof or methodology for these theories and conjectures.   In fact, there is growing scientific dissention towards this group think.  Many scientists have gone on to discredit this left wing fear based propaganda.

A True Scientific, Objective Stance
In the case of the global warming environmentalist debate, there are many motives.  Many people stand to benefit from global warming hysteria. Politicians, private companies, scientists, lobbyists, and of course entire countries receive financial and political gain if they pass certain environmental restrictions. As the debate battles on, I urge citizens to look only at the scientific methodologies that examine why Earth has warming periods, and why we are in a warm period now.  Only through this method can any truth come to light.  Fear based advertising about global warming is not logical.

A Natural Occurrence
Today, we are experiencing the warmth of an inter glacial phase which began over 19,000 years ago when the ice masses that  covered parts of North America and North Europe began to melt away.  Sea levels rose by 400 feet, separating Tasmania from Australia within a few thousand years.  We know this because of the Vostok Ice Core sample, which is a large ice deposit that showcases the past 500,000 years of Earth’s climatic history.  The ice sample shows that Earth mainly experiences ice age like weather with brief periods of warmth known as inter glacial phases.

Climate Change is Constant
Besides the modern climate change phase we are currently experiencing, the Medieval Warm Period, from 800 AD to 1300 AD, was another phase of warmer weather.  In that time, The Nordic Vikings established a strong colony in Greenland which lasted for 500 years.   This colony’s history disappeared with the colder weather that followed, as Greenland became a sheet of ice again. The Little ice age that followed, from 1350 AD to 1850 AD, is also rarely talked about when studying modern global warming.   History shows a cyclical pattern of ice ages and warming spike periods.

Modern Carbon Emissions
The vague indication that links man made carbon dioxide emissions and current warm climate temperatures is limited to a link from 1976 to 2000.  Attempts to generate a holistic hypothesis in which atmospheric carbon emissions controls the radiation energy balance of the earth have been futile.  In fact, a growing number of scientists have signed a petition that disagrees with the Kyoto Agreement.  Despite popular opinion, carbon dioxide is needed for all life on earth and strong atmospheric concentrations are very beneficial to plant growth, especially in dry or arid locations.


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