Saturday, June 11, 2011

No credit where credit is due !

The federal government carbon tax does nothing to reward people who reduce production of non renewable carbon. The new tax is purely to raise revenue and some of the revenue will be used to subsidise the consumption of coal by the biggest burners of coal. The subsidies could be enough to increase consumption.
The federal government's new revenue raising tax does nothing to subsidise the manufacture of alternatives. Repeated federal government ignoring of alternative energy sources has shut down our manufacturing plants. We can no longer manufacturer solar panels or any of the other alternatives so useful across Australia. Instead we have to import all the materials and equipment from countries that have absolutely not carbon emission policies. We are not reducing carbon emissions, we are just exporting them overseas along with our jobs, our money, and all that transportation of the raw resources and finished product is actually increasing the total carbon emission. The Australian federal government will brag about some fake local reduction in carbon emissions and hide the fact that the total world production has increased due to their actions.
The tax is based purely on a vote grabbing deal between the federal Labor party and the federal Greens, who have absolutely no interest in making our environment greener. The Greens did have one green policy on one issue many years ago and everything since is just marketing lies to grab votes. The Greens had, back in the days when they were more interested in the environment than grabbing power, had a policy to oppose a dam to protect a river valley in Tasmania. The dam was to produce electricity for an expanding population. The Greens stopped the dam but never offered an alternative. Huge power shortages and price increases were the result. Industry shut down in that area. People lost jobs. Consumption of non renewable energy resources continued to increase. The result was a disaster. At the time, while the Greens were sitting around letting Tasmania burn, Australia had manufacturers manufacturing sources of renewable energy. The Greens let all those manufacturers shut down. All the Greens ever do is oppose change without ever offering a positive alternative or contributing an original idea. Australia really needs a political party interested in protecting our environment and contributing to a sustainable future.
Broken Hill is an example of a city that decided to replace their diesel power source with wind power and are close to succeeding. The new Silverton wind farm, is an example of what the federal government should be subsidising with their theft-in-the-name-of-carbon tax. Think big. Instead the federal government treats Australians like a bunch of nasty children and sets out to whip us with financial sticks. Instead we will get the federal government flooding endless committees with their friends and relatives. Instead we will get loads of negative actions and nothing positive.
One other distinct characteristic of this federal government and related previous governments. They only ever listen to people from overseas. Australia exports all our expertise because so many Labor governments, from the Whitlam government through the Hawke, Keating, and Rudd governments, have refused to listen to or support Australians and have flocked overseas on any excuse for a trip then brought back foreign ideas ranging from the outright stupid to things that might work somewhere else in the world but are total wrong for Australia. The same Labor governments, and some preceding Labor governments have destroyed Australian companies in order to suck up to America. The Labor party is supposed to represent workers. The Whitlam Labor government sacked 600,000 Australians by destroying their jobs. They continue the same mission right through to today. Their carbon tax will destroy a massive number of jobs in our manufacturing industry and send all that manufacturing to countries where there are no environmental protections. The total world pollution of the atmosphere by carbon will increase, not decrease.


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