Sunday, August 14, 2011

“There is no convincing evidence that human release of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases is causing, or will cause in the future, catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere or disruption of the Earth's climate.”

Oregon Petition, from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, signed by over 17,000 international scientists including more than 2000 of the world's leading climatologists, meteorologists and planetary / atmospheric scientists. View all here

global warming and photosynthesis

Global Warming is suppose to be caused from the massive amount of co2 that is produced by cars, homes, humans and anything involved with technology. Lets see what carbon dioxide really does.
Carbon Dioxide accounts for .037% of the atmosphere.
Carbon Dioxide currently at 370ppm, for it to be dangerous it would have to be at 15,000ppm. This could not be reached even if every fossil fuel was burned.
Thousands and thousands of studies show that higher levels of co2 are good for plants. Many scientists believe plants still aren't getting enough co2.
Tomato farmers using exhaust from electricity to grow their tomatoes. Must Read
Vegetation looses less water under higher co2 levels, meaning vegetation in drought prone areas will live longer and produce more.
Rice (the most eaten food in the world) was shown to increase mass and use less water with higher co2 levels. Meaning the most important food in the world highly benefits from co2 increase. This also means that during times of drought as long as the co2 was high enough there wouldn't be as great of a shortage thanks to the Industrial Revolution.
Science has proven Carbon Dioxide will increase after cold periods in history. There was a little ice age from 1400-1860.
When farmers, scientists, and people who own green houses want to grow larger plants they increase the amount of co2 to the plants.
DON'T take my word for it! Find someone who owns a greenhouse and ask them how important carbon dioxide is. Of course you could just do a google search on greenhouses and how how important carbon dioxide is in one.
Increased co2 has helped farmers cut costs by shortening their season and better crops.
Lettuce has been shown to increase by up to 40% with an increase of carbon dioxide (550ppm), Tomatoes by 29% and the list goes on and on.
Once again don't take my word for it. Take it from someone who specializes in plant growing. Visit and find out why they sell machines that produce carbon dioxide.
A Russian study from 1961-1998 found that as carbon dioxide increased the forest increased at the same rate.
Pine trees grown for 2 years at 600ppm grow more than 200% faster compared to normal normal rates.
If temperatures and co2 continue to increase Canada would see an increase of corn up to 186% and soybeans up to 157% between 2040-2069.
Increased levels of co2 help plants by reducing dangerous pathogens/diseases.
Cloud coverage affects temperature 100 times more than co2. If co2 doubles, cloud coverage would only have to increase 1% to counter it.
I would encourage everyone to learn more about greenhouses and or join You can get a lot of free information there and last time I checked for the premium service it was only $12ish for a whole year. These are real scientits who work 6-7 days a week and usually around 14 hours a day.

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