Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Getup.org are asking supporters to give $5 per week to help them fight what they call the ultra- conservatives.

I was sent this email today from a friend of mine - I would say that you have given some people a bit of a wake-up call over the weekend.
Getup.org are asking supporters to give $5 per week to help them fight what they call the ultra- conservatives. 
I have copied their email here:
"It's been getting pretty wild out there. 

There's a new right-wing force rising in Australian politics, and they’re taking lessons directly out of the US Tea Party playbook – even down to the name. The new so-called "Australian Tea Party" has many backers, but just one message: No.  

No to a price on pollution. No to marriage equality. No to pokies reform. No to restrictions on live exports. No to anything that challenges their conservative agenda. 

They may speak loudly and shamelessly, but they certainly don't speak for all Australians. Isn't it time the rest of us brought a bit of sanity and reality back to our national debate?   

On so many of these issues, GetUp members are a voice of hope and reason -- but everything this community achieves is only possible because of people like you chipping in small donations from across the country. Can you chip in just $5 a week to support our movement's ongoing work? Read below to see exactly what your contribution will achieve. 


$5 a week can help: 
- Pay for strategic opinion polls to show politicians that extreme voices don't speak for the rest of us; 
- Build a new online tool to allow local groups to start their own GetUp-style campaigns; 
- Support local climate organisers who are already working tirelessly on town hall meetings and community engagement in the electorates of key independent MPs; and 
- Produce rapid response radio ads on FM and community radio stations to bypass conservative talkback and bring some facts back into the climate debate. 

The amount of fear, rage and hysteria on parade in our national debate recently even prompted Tony Abbott to warn party MPs that, “we don’t want our country reduced to two warring camps.” Yet all this vitriol hasn't come from nowhere -- it's been encouraged by right-wing politicians and shock jocks from the beginning. And despite Mr Abbott's reported call to civility, the puppet masters of hysteria show no signs of really changing tack. In fact, just moments after Mr Abbott told MPs they had a duty to act responsibly, Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella urged anti-carbon tax protestors to "keep the rage alive." 

We can't fight rage with more anger; or hysteria with more fear. But we can ensure that our community's more noble voices aren't silenced, steamrolled or intimidated - because most of us truly believe in something better than "no". Click here to make your small weekly contribution: 


We're here, in large numbers. We're real. We have real hope for our future and real demands of our leaders to rise to a higher vision of what's possible. No isn't nearly good enough for us, for our kids, or for our communities. Yet we know there are many people in Australia who hear constantly from those who only say "no." 

We need to reach these people where they are -- with ads on popular radio stations and television shows; inside town halls and forums in rural communities; and with creative, high-profile events that can leverage greater media attention and re-shape the national debate. Together, we will make a difference: chip in today. 

Thank you for all that you do, 
The GetUp team

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